InAge of EmpathybyJames S. BakerGoal-Chasing is the Thief of JOYPLAY frees us from measuring & comparing our own livesMar 20, 20241Mar 20, 20241
InAge of EmpathybyJames S. BakerThe Grey ScribeA troubadour bard, composes ditties & tall tales of our deedsJan 24, 20225Jan 24, 20225
James S. Baker‘Social’ MediaSocial media is the collective ID of the human race, a nonstop stream of consciousness, & rabid raw anxieties.Jul 7, 2020Jul 7, 2020
James S. BakerScribbling While Rome BurnsFate is a drama-queen that might flip over your banquet table at any time, so enjoy that tasty pudding before you’re suddenly sitting in…May 2, 2020May 2, 2020
James S. Bakerthe rude roommateIf advertising was a person they’d be the worst person you know. A gaslighting master manipulator.Jun 30, 2023Jun 30, 2023
James S. BakerFiction in LIFESome of my most memorable moments were not even real. FICTIONAL moments that have stayed with me as indelibly as if they were real.Sep 13, 2023Sep 13, 2023
James S. BakerBenign ViolationsYou can live without motor skills, or language, but you’ll need a sense of humour if you are to cope with living a human life.Oct 9, 2023Oct 9, 2023
James S. BakerLiving the DREAMFar from being a plus, “living the dream” sounds utterly horrifying to me. I am relieved that my real life is NOT “a dream come true“.Nov 26, 2023Nov 26, 2023
James S. Baker10 years a LEFTYIt’s 10 years since I began drawing with my non-dominant hand. In 2013, I had no hope that I’d be a professional cartoonist again. But I…Dec 26, 20231Dec 26, 20231
James S. BakerWhy Drawing Matters (to ME)The ability to draw, to capture a quirky phantasm of the mind, is the particular area of human achievement that intrigues me.Feb 1, 20243Feb 1, 20243
James S. BakerDance of The Mayfliescoping with impermanence is what a human LIFE here on Earth is all about.Feb 5, 20241Feb 5, 20241
James S. BakerThe Magnificent LoserWe all lose eventually. The trick is to own it. Do it with style — be a MAGNIFICENT LOSER.Jun 1, 20232Jun 1, 20232